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Must Have Products That Make Breastfeeding Easier

Breastfeeding is no easy task and having the right products can make it just a little bit easier! All throughout my breastfeeding journey I was constantly searching for products that could help make the experience the best it could be for me and for baby. The following are all different areas to consider and to look into getting products for when breastfeeding. All of the products I list are the ones that worked best for me and ones I used and loved. My hope is that by sharing these products, it will help to make your breastfeeding journey just a little bit easier. *This post may contain affiliate links 

Nipple cream and products to ease nipple pain– Sore nipples are inevitable in the process and having products on hand to help ease the pain is essential.

Motherlove Nipple Cream

Bamboobies Pumping Lubricant

Medela Soothing Gel Pads-These were a lifesaver at the beginning for me! I would put them in the fridge and pull them out to ease the pain after a feeding and they helped so much!

Nursing bras/pumping bras and nursing pads– Having the right types of bras can make all the difference. When I first started using a pumping bra it was a huge game changer! It allows you to be hands free which is so incredibly helpful as a busy mama! Multi-tasking here you come!  

Favorite nursing bra– Auden seamless nursing bra from Target

Favorite pumping bra– Momcozy hands free pumping bra

Favorite nursing breast pads– Organic bamboo reusable nursing pads, these were comfy and easy to wash with a bag that comes with!

Breastfeeding app–  This app can help you to keep track and time your feedings. Having an app helps to take the guess work out and is so much easier than having to write everything down. My favorite app I used is called “MammaBaby” and I downloaded it straight from the app store but I know there are many other great ones out there too!

Breastfeeding pillow– The correct breastfeeding position makes all of the difference and having a pillow can really help! Some great pillows to look into are:

Boppy Nursing Pillow or My Breast Friend nursing posture pillow

Breastfeeding water cup and snacks– A water cup like Yeti that keeps your drink cold is essential along with having some of your favorite snacks in arms reach of where you are breastfeeding.

Prevention of clogs and mastitis– Throughout your breastfeeding journey you may end up getting clogs or possibly mastitis. I, unfortunately, have had both throughout my time breastfeeding. Prevention is key and having products on hand in case these problems arise helps you to be proactive before they progress and get worse.

LaVie lactation massager– This worked SO great for me when I needed to work out any clogs.

Epsom salts– Great to have on hand for when it might be needed!

Legendairy milk sunflower lecithin

Milk supply/collection of milk

Haakaa manual breastpump– This worked great for me and helped me to collect milk to freeze for a later time from the side I was not breastfeeding on.

Booby boons lactation cookies (cocoa quinoa flavor)- I ate these during a time when I felt my supply was low. I do really feel like they helped to increase my supply although I never knew for sure.

Lactation Cookie Mix– These cookies you make yourself by simply adding a few ingredients (only egg and butter!) and pop them in the oven. I thought they tasted delicious for being lactation cookies. I used them when I I felt my supply was low and they seemed to help… if not, they tasted good so it was worth trying! 

Lansinoh breastmilk freezer bags– I found these to be the best bags for freezing and storing milk.

Favorite bottles (when its someone else’s turn to do the feeding)- When it came to bottles simple was what worked best for us. We loved using these:

Medela breast milk bottles 5 oz and 8 oz packs

A great breast pump– The most essential breastfeeding must have is a pump! For those times when you are unable to breastfeed it is vital to have a great pump. I was able to rent this pump from the hospital I gave birth at and I highly recommend finding out if this is a possibility for you. I highly recommend this pump:

Medela Symphony Breast Pump

Other nursing essentials:

Burp cloths (Burt’s Bees Baby)- A must have because spit up happens! These Burts Bees burp cloths were some of my favorite because of how soft and easy to use they were.

Nursing cover (Milk Snob brand)- These nursing covers are cute, soft and work great for a nursing cover or a cover for over the car seat. So practical and perfect and with so many cute prints to choose from it makes it a complete must have breastfeeding item.

Medela quick clean microwave disinfecting bags– This is one item I wish I would have found sooner! These bags make cleaning your pump parts and bottles so much easier and saves you time!

Breastfeeding shirts/tops– Shirts and tops with easy access just makes life easier, especially at the beginning when you could possibly be feeding around the clock. I loved the discrete type shirts where you could barely tell they had openings in them for breastfeeding. I will link some of the shirts and tank tops I’ve worn and loved!

Discrete Nursing Shirt

Women’s V Neck Nursing Top

Soft and Comfy Loungewear type Nursing Top

Favorite Nursing Tank

Favorite Long Sleeve Nursing Tops

My hope is that this list of must have products that made my breastfeeding journey easier can help yours too! I used and loved each of these items and while breastfeeding is tough these did make it just a little bit easier. Breastfeeding comes with many challenges but finding great products to use should not be one of them. Know that you are doing the very best for your baby no matter what type of journey you end up going down. Keep up the great work Mama! You got this!

*This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you choose to purchase any of the products, I will receive a small commission! Everything I promote or sponsor I use or have used and genuinely recommend. Thank you so much!