11 Must-Do Activities When Teaching Body Parts to Toddlers
Looking for some fun activities when teaching body parts to toddlers? In this blog post, you will find activities, books, songs, videos and games to help make learning the parts of the body enjoyable and fun!
Teaching body parts to toddlers and preschoolers is an essential skill they must know. The ability to understand, identify and say the names of the parts of the body is helpful in everyday tasks. Making this learning fun, engaging and interactive is key!
Over the past few weeks, my daughter and I have loved using these activities and resources to help her to learn the parts of the body. These activities can be made easier or harder depending on the age of the child/children you are working with. To make the activities easier an adult will need to give more assistance and guidance. The activities can also be done while the child watches and follows along.
My hope is that you will enjoy these resources and toddler body parts printables as much as we have and lots of wonderful learning will take place all about the parts of the body!
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This post is all about engaging and fun activities you must do when teaching body parts to toddlers.
Activities for Teaching Body Parts to Toddlers
1. Pick a Favorite Doll or Stuffed Animal–
Grab a favorite doll or stuffed animal and teach the parts of the body as you play.
I always find this play time with my daughter to be the perfect time to practice parts of the body. I will ask her questions to lead her to identify and point out certain parts of the body. For example, I would ask “Where are the doll’s eyes, ears, legs, etc.?”
My daughter loved doing this and it was such an easy way to introduce and practice this learning. Treat this practice and learning time like a game and make it as fun as possible!
2. Teaching Body Parts with Body Parts Flashcards–
These flashcards have been the absolute best! They were a perfect way to introduce the different body parts. We used these flashcards in a variety of ways and made them into fun activities!
First, we would choose a few flashcards to go over at a time and would discuss the body part and then found it on ourselves. We would also practice pointing out the body part on a doll as well to help to reinforce the learning.
To help children to learn words more easily and truly understand their meaning it is helpful to allow them to see the word in multiple ways. These flashcards help children to see the written word along with a picture showing its meaning. Next, guiding children to point it out on their own body and on a doll/stuffed animal gives them multiple opportunities to master this learning.
Another way the flashcards can be used is to put them inside of a bag or container and pull out one at a time before discussing it or identifying it on themselves.
Also included with the flashcards is a cute game similar to “Simon Says” that can be played in a variety of ways depending upon the age of the child/children you are working with. These flashcards make the perfect body parts teaching aids and will be sure to bring fun and engagement as you learn these essential words!
3. Parts of the Body Let’s Sing Book–
This book features a catchy little song to help to reinforce learning about parts of the body.
My daughter loved as I would sing each page to her and we would stop along the way pointing out and identifying each of the body parts.
For younger kiddos, you can sing the song to them as you go through the book.
For older kiddos, the book can be easily printed out and made into the perfect individual book that can be used to reinforce learning.
Feel free to have the child make it theirs by coloring it in!
4.Parts of the Body Song Book–
This is another great book with a catchy song!
This book prints to a full page and has a color or black and white version to choose from!
We loved singing the parts of the body song and I put it into a “busy binder” to make it easier for my daughter to engage as I sang and showed her the pictures.
5.Body Parts Lid Flip Activity–
In this activity, children can flip up diaper lids to reveal the different body part pictures underneath.
This is a great hands-on activity and allowed us to discuss and identify each one that was “flipped up” and revealed. A little bit of prep work is needed to make this activity successful but it becomes a great way to practice and reinforce learning about parts of the body.
My daughter and I enjoyed doing this together and she loved being able to practice opening up each of the lids to reveal the pictures underneath.
6. Parts of the Body Match Activity–
We had so much fun playing this velcro match “game”.
My daughter and I would look at each of the pictures and would go through them one at a time. After talking about that particular body part, we would identify it on ourselves then I would have her place the picture card on the correct spot to match on the sheet. She loved the velcro and had so much fun taking them on and off.
This activity also features a cut and paste option so if that would work best for you with the child/children you are working with you could simply print out the pages and cut and paste them on.
7. Songs for Teaching Body Parts to Toddlers
Songs are such a wonderful learning tool!
As we have been learning about and practicing parts of the body we have enjoyed singing and dancing to help us to reinforce this learning!
I will link some of the songs we have been loving and hope you enjoy them as well!
One Little Finger– Super Simple Songs
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes– Super Simple Songs
If You Are Happy and You Know It– Super Simple Songs
Books for Teaching Body Parts to Toddlers
Books are truly the best learning tools. You can use them in a variety of ways and reading helps to increase language, vocabulary, builds an interest and love of learning and so much more!
Another great thing about reading together is any book can be used to reinforce learning about parts of the body. As you read a book, point out a person or animal in the story and discuss the parts of the body you see.
Below, I will link some themed books we have used and loved but any book can be a great book for practicing parts of the body!
8. Body part lift the flap book bundle–
These books come individually or as a bundle and were especially fun because we would practice lifting the flaps as we found the parts of the body. These types of books were a great learning opportunity as well to practice how we treat books and treat them with extra care.
9. I Know Body Parts Book–
We loved this book because of the great real-life images it features.
We were able to read each page and see the part of the body and then quickly identify it on ourselves as well.
10. Hello World! My Body Book-
In this book, you will find the most colorful and engaging illustrations! We loved how it discussed a body part and then would give examples of how that body part is used.
Another wonderful part of this book is it gives facts about each of the body parts. These facts help to take the learning a step further if your little one is ready more. This book was the perfect addition to our learning!
Video Resources for Teaching Body Parts to Toddlers
11. Baby Einstein- Baby Da Vinci From Head to Toe-
This episode was a perfect addition to our learning about the parts of the body.
As we watched together, there were a lot of opportunities to talk about the parts of the body we saw!
This post was all about engaging and fun activities you must do when teaching body parts to toddlers.
My hope is that these resources help to make learning about and teaching the parts of the body fun and engaging! Happy Teaching! 🙂
*This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you choose to purchase any of the products, I will receive a small commission! Everything I promote or sponsor I use or have used and genuinely recommend. Thank you so much!

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